Category: Applying for faculty positions
Getting and starting your first faculty appointment (tenure-track)
Overview: Each fall, academic institutions start advertising open faculty positions and those interested in being faculty start to polish their application packets. The process is time consuming- with institutions now often requiring letters of recommendation, diversity, and vision statements in addition to the standard C.V., research statement and teaching statements. As a faculty member, my involvement varies each…
Five tips on facilitating an academic research group for new faculty
Overview: While I was part of a larger research group during graduate school, I did not mindfully consider how that group was structured to encourage communication, professional development, and research productivity. It seemed to me that everyone just thrived in that research group, and we never discussed a need for ‘pixie dust’ or new formats…
Interview with Dr. Davis Ferriell, an instructor at the University of Kentucky for the first-year engineering program
Overview: As part of my journey to re-evaluate my own views of research and research process and identity as a researcher, I am undertaking the process of interviewing 25 researchers about their own research career paths, processes, etc. This is the second post in the series is an interview with Dr. William ‘Davis’ Ferriell. His…